"Attacked" EPL Referees
MANCHESTER - Ulah coach of Manchester United Sir Alex Ferguson is again criticized the leadership of his team after subdued Wasti Liverpool 0-2, last Sunday a loud response from the referees, the Premier League's senior referee. Want to know what they say?

As we know, Fergie was directly pointed at the referee Andre Marriner "less experienced" a moment after the United subdued the Reds. Scottish architect accusation refers to the performance of Marriner did not give a penalty and red cards awarded to defender Jamie Carragher the Kop when dropping Michael Owen in the penalty box.
However, complaints have Fergie back harsh criticism from the ranks of the referee in charge of the Premier League.Generally they assess, if the action taken inappropriate Fergie performed by a seasoned coach.
"It is disgraceful when a coach is experienced and highly respected as Sir Alex Ferguson to make a statement like that. He should not umpire loudly claiming lack of experience," said Jeff Winter, one of the Premier League's senior umpire, as quoted in The Guardian, Tuesday (27/10 / 2009).
One of the other senior referee, Graham Poll agreed with what was said Winter, "Ferguson clearly does not understand the rules regarding the award a penalty. In such a case, United was supposed to get a penalty and Carragher should only receive a yellow card. Because, if you want a penalty, a player must completely control the ball and ran towards goal. While in this case, Owen is not fully master the ball. "
"In other words, Andre Marriner gave the right decision by giving Carragher yellow card and penalty kick straight for United. Marriner it wrong to reward Carragher with a red card," he added.
On this action, usually a senior referee was hoping Ferguson had a good penalty was a ban on assisting clubs to appear or fines. Because this is not the first time Fergie performed. Previously, 67-year coach also could swear Alan Wiley who he called "not fit" when United 2-2 Sunderland arrested. But his unique, he was not sentenced anything after the apology. Well, in this case, the referee, the Premier's senior referee was asking the FA to act more firmly.